Will we meet at MIPIM?

Will we meet at MIPIM?

MIPIM from 14 to 17 March 2023 in Cannes

MIPIM is one of the world's largest trade fairs for real estate professionals, investors, developers and planners. Every year in March, the industry meets in Cannes, France, and discusses current trends, developments and projects.

With Peter Berner and Ingo Kanehl ASTOC ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS are there again. You too? Then let's meet there and exchange ideas about your project ideas and our possibilities to support you - with our expertise in all planning scales proven in over 30 years and an interdisciplinary team of over 100 architects and urban planners in Cologne, Karlsruhe and Basel.

Contact: info@astoc.de or+49 221 271 806 0


Peter Berner

Peter Berner, Managing Partner


Ingo Kanehl

Ingo Kanehl, Managing Partner