From one in a thousand to one in one: the new ASTOC brochure on healthcare buildings and locations

From one in a thousand to one in one: the new ASTOC brochure on healthcare buildings and locations

Reference projects

We have been applying our cross-scale expertise in the disciplines of architecture and urban planning in the healthcare sector for over 15 years, from the strategic development of university and hospital sites to structural realisation.

The newly published brochure shows a selection of our reference projects: Feasibility studies, urban master and framework plans, structural development plans, realisation and object planning - including the new construction of the Anna-Seiler-Haus as the main building of the  University Hospital/Inselspital Bern (as general planner together with GWJ Architektur and IAAG Architekten, since 2018 with Archipel Generalplanung), the new construction of the Medical Research and Training Centre of the University of Bern (as general planner with GWJ Architektur, IAAG Architekten and Archipel Generalplanung), the new construction of the Heart Centre of the Charité Berlin (2nd place in the general planning bidding process, with GWJ Architektur, IAAG Architekten and Archipel Generalplanung). The project also includes the masterplan for the University Medical Centre Göttingen (with Teamplan), the masterplan for the Cantonal Hospital Winterthur 2030+ (in collaboration with GWJ Architektur, IAAG Architekten, Archipel Generalplanung, LAND, Teamplan), the masterplan for the University Hospital Cologne (together with studio grüngrau) and the masterplan for the University Hospital Aachen (together with studio grüngrau).